ESFP - The Entertainer
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- Parent Category: ROOT
- Category: Keirsey Bates Temperament Sorter
- Created: Wednesday, 27 July 2016 08:36
- Hits: 4336
ESFPs radiate attractive warmth and optimism. Smooth, witty, charming, clever, voluble, and open to the environment – this describes ESFPs, like ESTPs, represent about 13 percent of the general population. They are great fun to be with and are the most generous of all the types. Performer would be the word which best describes an ESFP.
ESFPs will avoid being alone and seek the company of others whenever possible. ESFPs easily find company, for others are usually highly entertained by the presence of an ESFP. ESFPs love excitement and create it wherever they are. Their joy of living is contagious and generally they wear happy faces. Often outstanding conversationalists, their flowing banter is amusing in its wit. ESFPs have an air of sophistication and are likely to be dressed in the latest fashion, displaying an enjoyment of all the good things of life: dress, food, physical comfort, and happy times. ESFPs create a mood of “eat, drink, and be merry” wherever they go, and around them life can have a continual party-like atmosphere of gaiety.
ESFPs make exciting, if somewhat unpredictable mates, which may give quieter type mates some anxiety and tension from living on the edge of adventure. The home of an ESFP is likely to be filled with people all having a good time. Problems will not be allowed to make their appearance. The ESFP accomplishes this by taking an attitude of “walking by the graveyard whistling,” refusing to recognise doom and gloom.
ESFPs can be generous to a fault. What is theirs is yours, and what is yours is yours still. They give assistance to one and all without expectation of a return, just as they love freely without expecting something in return. ESFPs seem to view life as an eternal cornucopia from which flows an endless supply of pleasures that require no effort on their part to insure.
ESFPs’ talent for enjoying life can make them more subject to temptations than are other types. They are inclined to be impulsive, and thus both male and female ESFPs are vulnerable to psychological seduction, if not physical seduction, with an ESFP giving in easily and agreeably to the demands of others. As a parent, the ESFP will be entertaining, a friend, and a source of fun and excitement. When there is sickness, or trouble, however, ESFPs may become impatient and may want to absent themselves.
ESFPs’ tolerance for anxiety is the lowest of all the types. Anxiety is avoided by ignoring the dark side of a situation as long as possible. They are inclined to be somewhat self-indulgent, but, rather than make an outward show of resistance or make waves, ESFPs will give apparent compliance – and then go their own way to what they enjoy.
ESFPs prefer active jobs and should not be given lonely, solitary assignments. Outstanding in public relations, they love working with people. Decisions are made with personal warmth, based on personal reference or reference to significant others. This type relies heavily on their personal experiences and generally shows good common sense.
The gregarious sociability and adaptability of ESFPs make them a source of warmth to others. They do not mind telephone or personal interruptions and are verbally facile in both situations. They can be counted on to have accurate data about the people around them, gaining these data through effortless and continuous observations.
ESFPs are not deeply interested in scholastic pursuits, wanting knowledge only for immediate utility. They avoid science and engineering, gravitate toward business, and are adept at selling, particularly selling tangibles. They can be effective in education, especially elementary school teaching, and can enjoy nursing for its drama. They are good at working with people in crisis, a facility that often leads ESFPs into social work. They also enjoy entertaining people and are thus drawn to the performing arts, thriving on the excitement of being in the limelight.
More Information on the Keirsey Bates Temperament Sorter...
The official Keirsey Temperament Sorter (KTS) web site - click here
Wikipedia article on the book Please Understand Me - click here
Wikipedia on the origin of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) - click here