Derek Hendrikz is an internationally renowned professional trainer. He provides executive and specialised training workshops worldwide to more than 3000 participants annually. In total Derek has trained more than 50 000 people from more than 170 companies in the public, private and non-profit sectors in Austria, South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mauritius, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Sudan, Egypt, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Maldives and Malaysia.
He is an organisational performance and executive leadership specialist, and in so allowing him to present expert workshops in advanced leadership and management, strategy development and implementation, performance management, supply chain management, customer relationship management, process-based risk management, process-based costing and others.
The difference between in-house training and a scheduled workshop is that in-house training is run exclusively for employees of a specific company, whereas publically scheduled workshops are open for any person from any company to attend. Following are current well developed and tested in-house workshops presented by Derek Hendrikz personally…